Holiday Home Tábor and Surroundings OP 0032

Detached house, completely renovated in 2013 and very nicely decorated. Entrance, hallway, spacious and cozy kitchen with a large dining table for 8 people, a sofa and TV set-top-box (only Czech… More information

  • 8 persons
  • 2 bedroom
  • Price from EUR: 520 for whole object
  • Without pet
  • WiFi
  • Swimming pool
  • TV
  • Fenced land
  • Description of accommodation

    Description of accommodation

    Detached house, completely renovated in 2013 and very nicely decorated. Entrance, hallway, spacious and cozy kitchen with a large dining table for 8 people, a sofa and TV set-top-box (only Czech channels). Modern kitchen with electric cooker with ceramic hob and oven, fridge, kettle and microwave oven. Bedroom with a double bed and bunk beds. Second bedroom with double bed, one single bed, a raised single bed and sofa. Luxury bathroom with bath, shower, double sink and toilet. Second separate toilet. Central heating (fire wood), electric floor heating in the bathroom. The garden is fenced, garden furniture with parasol, garden grill, sandpit, trampoline and a round garden pool with a diameter of 5 m are at disposal. Own parking.

    Part of accommodation

    • With swimming pool

    Note on accommodation

    Pets are not allowed. Wifi internet connection after agreement with the owner. Energy consumption included in the price. The landlord lives in the upper part of the building with a separate entrance. Suitable for up to 6/8 persons.


    Summer season Winter season Holidays and New Year's Eve
    Week 818 € Weekly stays are not available Christmas stay is not available
    Weekend stays are not available Weekend stays are not available New Year's Eve stay is not available
  • Location description

    Location description

    In central Bohemia, at the edge of the small village of Pazderna Lhota, about 16 km to the south of the town of Benesov and about 60 km south of Prague and 40 km north of the historic town of Tabor, located in southern Bohemia. The house stands on a gentle slope, at the edge of a forest with beautiful views over the lawns and woodland in the area. Beautiful area with charming scenery and many possibilities for excursions, cultural and sporting activities and visit of historic sights. Castles Jemniste 10 km, Lounovice 15 km, castle Konopiste and golf course 17 km, Vrchotovy Janovice 20 km. Castles Cesky Sternberk and Kotnov 27 km and the historic city of Tabor 35 km.
    Distances: Basic foods (Postupice) 5 km, supermarket (Votice) 12 km, restaurant (Bystrice) 12 km. All civic facilities, indoor and outdoor swimming pools and sauna can also be found in Benesov 16 km. Riding (Nova Ves) 3 km, golf course (Konopiste) 17 km. More bathing areas and playground (Popovice) 600 m.

  • Photogallery
  • Rating

    Accommodation rating

    Overall rating of the object


    Individual rating

    Satisfied with the location
    Satisfied with cleanliness
    Satisfied with the equipment
    Satisfied with communication
    • Jiří
      30.07.2022 - 06.08.2022

      Není co vytknout. Vše bylo v pořádku. Naopak bazén je novější než na fotkách a lepší. Byla to super dovolená.

    • Stetan
      09.07.2022 - 16.07.2022

    • Petra
      26.06.2021 - 03.07.2021

    • Petra
      03.09.2020 - 06.09.2020

    • Alois
      22.08.2020 - 29.08.2020

      Velmi příjemné ubytování v udržované chalupě v malebné kopcovité krajině. Pěkná a velká zahrada, prostorný altán (grilování, posezení). Čistý a velký bazén jsme využili několikrát a bylo to moc fajn. Oceňujeme také stabilní a rychlou wi-fi (jeden z nás potřeboval vzdáleně pracovat), která zvládla i on-line hovory. Chalupa je prostorná, vešly by se i dvě rodiny. My jsme byli ve třech lidech a prostor byl luxusní. Potěšila nás spousta detailů - dostatek teplé vody, prostorný stůl v kuchyni, funkční dřevěné žaluzie, trampolína, švestky na zahradě, pohodlné postele, truhla "s poklady" pro malou dcerku, koše pro třídění odpadu... A hlavně majitelé byli moc milí. Rádi se zase vrátíme, když bude příležitost.
      Na naši výšku je kuchyňská linka "o číslo menší" a bylo by praktické, kdyby v ní byla k dispozici alespoň malá myčka, ale to je jen detail. Agentuře doporučujeme aktualizovat fotky na webu - ve skutečnosti došlo k několika úpravám (např. velký altán na zahradě, větší televize v hlavní místnosti...), takže realita je ještě o kus lepší, než na fotkách.

    • Radek
      11.07.2020 - 18.07.2020

    • Nikola
      20.06.2020 - 27.06.2020

      Krásná poloha, v okolí spoustu vyžití, hrady, zámky, farmy atd

  • Surroundings

    Points of interest in the area

  • Show us on map

    The location of the accommodation

    Location coordinates

    49.683041, 14.742938

  • Prices and availability
  • Přidejte si k víkendu více dní

    • Víkend + dny navíc
    • 8. 3. 2022 - 11. 3. 2022
    Cena víkendu 6 800 Kč
    Dny navíc 1 200 Kč
    Celková cena 8 000 Kč

Tips for trips

If you are not yet sure where your dream rental cottage is located, let yourself be inspired by our trip tips and discover the perfect place for your holiday in a cottage or chalet.

Who is InterBohemia

We have more than 30 years of experience in renting cottages and other recreational houses! Our specialization is in renting cottages and recreational houses across the entire Czech Republic, with a minority of houses also located in Slovakia. In 1990, we started as a Dutch company that offered accommodation in the Czech Republic for clients mainly from the Benelux, Germany and Great Britain. Over the years, the transformation from a Dutch company to a Czech one took place, when we successfully developed into a medium-sized organization offering a high-quality product of several hundred cottages and holiday houses with websites in four language versions. In addition to Czech clients, we also have clients from Germany, Holland and other European countries.

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