Villa Beskydy Mountains JM 0019

Newly built villa in 2015, very nice and comfortable furnished. Entrance, hall, living room with fireplace, TV, dining table for 8 persons and a kitchenette with ceramic hob, oven, refrigerator with… More information

  • 8 persons
  • 3 bedroom
  • Price from EUR: 759 for whole object
  • Pet allowed
  • WiFi
  • Baby cot
  • Child friendly
  • Sauna
  • Fire place
  • TV
  • Ski lift within 5km
  • Restaurant within 1 km
  • Forest within 100 m
  • Dishwasher
  • Independently occupied
  • Fenced land
  • Description of accommodation

    Description of accommodation

    Newly built villa in 2015, very nice and comfortable furnished. Entrance, hall, living room with fireplace, TV, dining table for 8 persons and a kitchenette with ceramic hob, oven, refrigerator with freezer, dishwasher, microwave and electric kettle. The guests are accommodated in 3 apartments - one on a ground floor and in two in the attic. The apartment on the ground floor has a living-bedroom with a double bed and bunk bed, TV, dining table for 4 persons and a kitchenette with a ceramic hob with two hotplates, refrigerator and electric kettle. Private bathroom with a shower, toilet and wasbasin. In the attic there are two more apartments. The first apartment is identical to the apartment on the ground floor and the second apartment has one double bed, TV, small dining table, kitchenette with ceramic hob with two hotplates, refrigerator, electric kettle and a private bathroom with a shower, toilet and washbasin.
    In the basement of the villa there is a small wine cellar with seating, perfect for cooling off in the hot summer. On the ground floor there is a sauna (for up to 6 persons) with a rest room for 4 people and with toilet, then a drying room / ski room with storage space. The villa is centrally electrically heated and stands on its own, completely fenced plot with a sliding gate. A covered outdoor sitting area with garden fireplace at disposal, then antoher one outdoor sitting area with camp fireplace, sandbox for children, swing and climbing frame. Covered parking for 2 cars inside the yard and additional parking lot on the property.

    Part of accommodation

    • Extra for children
    • With pets
    • Wellness & Spa
    • New Year’s Eve 2025
    • Cottages in the mountains and wintersport

    Note on accommodation

    Small pets are allowed after an agreement. At disposal WiFi and on request baby cot. Consumption of electricity should be paid on the spot. The villa is suitable for up to 8 persons, 2 children and 1 baby.


    Summer season Winter season Holidays and New Year's Eve
    Week 866 € Week 770 € Christmas 770 € 
    Weekend 410 € Weekend 410 € New Year's Eve 943 €
  • Location description

    Location description

    In South Moravia, in a calm recreation area, in the village Rusava, about 10 km south from the town of Bystřice pod Hostýnem and about 30 km north of the city of Zlín. The area offers opportunities for sportmen as well as for lovers of culture and history. You can enjoy e. g. hiking and cycling (marked routes) in the area, the ruins of the castle Obřany 3 km, castle Lukov 4 km, castle Holešov 12 km, castle Kroměříž 25 km, castle Helfštýn 25 km, caves (Teplice nad Bečvou) 30 km, castle Tovačov 40 km, folk architecture and much more in Rožnov pod Radhoštěm 40 km.
    Distances: basic food store and a couple of restaurants in the village 500 m, supermarket (Bystrice) 10 km. Swimming pool with solar heating in the village 1km. Waterresevoir ideal for swimming (Rusava) 1 km, swimming pool (Bystřice pod Hostýnem) 6 km, indoor swimming pool (Holešov) 12 km, Spa (Teplice nad Bečvou) 21 km, Aqua Park (Hranice) 22 km. ZOO (Zlín) 9 km, tennis (Ráztoka) 1 km, horse riding (Rusava - Podhradí) 2 km and (Jankovice) 8 km. Golf course (Zlín - Kostelec) 25 km. ZOO (Lesná) 25 km. Fishing (permit required) in the surrounding area. Forest 100 m.
    Winter info: Ski Resort Rusava, 50 m - (410 m), skiing suitable for children, ski school, 2 lifts, a children's line, snacks, night skiing. Further skiing Tesák and Troják. The area offers many marked trails, is also well-known cross-country trail Hostýnská.

  • Photogallery
  • Rating

    Accommodation rating

    Overall rating of the object


    Individual rating

    Satisfied with the location
    Satisfied with cleanliness
    Satisfied with the equipment
    Satisfied with communication
    • Lenka
      20.07.2024 - 27.07.2024

      Velice vstřícní a ochotní majitelé , výborná komunikace . Vila je moc pěkná . Byli jsme moc spokojeni . Jelo nás osm ( jedna dvojice , čtyřčlenná rodina a já s dcerou ) . Všichni jsme měli svůj pokoj s vlastním sociálním zařízením - což jsme ocenili . Venkovní prostory ideální pro děti i pejska . Nemáme co vytknout .

    • Lukáš
      24.07.2021 - 31.07.2021

      Bezproblémová komunikace jak s agenturou tak s majiteli objektu. Moc příjemná paní co má na starosti objekt. Dostačující vybavení kuchyně. Všude čisto.
      Na pozemku objektu se nachází prádelna plus pozemek slouží jako příjezdová cesta ke dvoum pozemkům takže čas od času se na pozemku objeví cizí člověk takže trochu narušení soukromí ale jinak nás to v pobytu nějak moc neomezovalo jenom že při objednávce o tom není nikde zmínka.

    • Přemysl
      08.08.2020 - 15.08.2020

    • Dušan
      01.08.2020 - 08.08.2020

    • Martin
      15.06.2019 - 22.06.2019

      Vybavenosti objektu, čistota, venkovní dětský koutek, celkově velmi pěkná chata za danou cenu.
      Časté chození majitele objektu do areálu kvůli obsluze prádelny - často i nekolikrat denně se někdo "zjevil". Úplně fo nevadilo, ale příjemné to taky nebylo.

    • Petra
      04.08.2018 - 11.08.2018

      Krásný dum, čisté, prostorné, krásné sezení venku. Báječne koupaliště ve vesnici. Určitě plánujeme se vrátit.

    • Jana
      23.12.2017 - 29.12.2017

      Je to velice pěkná vilka. Bylo nás ubytováno více lidí, ocenili jsme, že u každé místnosti je toaleta a sprcha. Také je velice fain v kuchyni myčka, protože se z nás nikomu nechtělo umývat nádobí, vybavení je dostačující. Paní která nám předávala vilku je velice příjemná. Bydlí nedaleko, tak cokoli jsme potřebovali ochotně vyřešila.
      Nelíbilo se mi, že agaentura, která zprostředkovává ubytování má jiné ceny na voucheru a na upoutávce jinou cenu jsme platili při odevzdávání vily. Např. cena za zapůjčení povlečení je na voucheru 100,- Kč za osobu ale platili jsme 115,- Kč za osobu. Paní nám to odůvodnila tím, že na voucheru je cena bez DPH. Také nám nebyla zdělena cena za spotřebu elektřiny. Až na místě nám paní řekla, že cena je 6,- Kč za kilovat (což je teda dost). Za týden jsme zaplatili za spotřebu elektřiny 3.700,- Kč a to jsme se snažili celkem šetřit. Paní říkala, že cana je úměrná, když je úplně vše na elektřinu. Také tam chybí náhradní zdroj elektřiny. Napadlo dost sněhu a byli jsme celý den bez elektřiny. Na elektřinu je i topení takže byla docela zima a neuvařili jsme si ani čaj. Prý je to na Rusavě normální, že napadne sníh a celá Rusava je bez signálu a bez elektřiny, tak tím spíš by se to mělo nějak domyslet.

  • Surroundings

    Points of interest in the area

  • Show us on map

    The location of the accommodation

    Location coordinates

    49.347416, 17.688284

  • Prices and availability
  • Přidejte si k víkendu více dní

    • Víkend + dny navíc
    • 8. 3. 2022 - 11. 3. 2022
    Cena víkendu 6 800 Kč
    Dny navíc 1 200 Kč
    Celková cena 8 000 Kč

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If you are not yet sure where your dream rental cottage is located, let yourself be inspired by our trip tips and discover the perfect place for your holiday in a cottage or chalet.

Who is InterBohemia

We have more than 30 years of experience in renting cottages and other recreational houses! Our specialization is in renting cottages and recreational houses across the entire Czech Republic, with a minority of houses also located in Slovakia. In 1990, we started as a Dutch company that offered accommodation in the Czech Republic for clients mainly from the Benelux, Germany and Great Britain. Over the years, the transformation from a Dutch company to a Czech one took place, when we successfully developed into a medium-sized organization offering a high-quality product of several hundred cottages and holiday houses with websites in four language versions. In addition to Czech clients, we also have clients from Germany, Holland and other European countries.

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